Bachelor theses
If the thesis was written externally, the location in indicated.
- Christian Wiedemann, Nichtgleichgewichtseffekte in mesoskopischen Supraleitern zur Messung ultratiefer Temperaturen (2022)
- Valentin Wilhelm, Nicht-hermitesche Topologie in Multi Josephson-Kontakten (2022)
- Markus Bestler, Simulation eines Tensor Monopols in Multi Josephson-Kontakten (2021)
- Johannes Stengele, Andreev Reflection at an Ising Superconductor (2020)
- Tobias Heinz, Quantentransport von Spinwellen in Heterostrukturen aus ferro- und antiferromagnetischen Isolatoren (2020)
- Daniel Happ, Quantum diffusion with unconventional dissipation (2020)
- Michael Saur, Nonlinear interacting quantum Duffing resonators (2020)
- Jonathan Sturm, Andreev bound states in multi-quantum dot systems as synthetic Josephson matter (2019)
- Daniel Boneß, Entanglement dynamics of nonlinearly coupled harmonic oscillators (2018)
- Andreas Kirchner, Quantum Gates for Topological Andreev States in Superconducting Junctions (2018)
- Frederik Pfeiffer, Microwave current response of a Josephson junction chain (2018, Grenoble)
- Janik Blessing, Tunable spin-Boson model with engineered superconducting circuits (2017)
- Jacob Holder, Optical Properties of an Antiferromagnet-Superconductor Superlattice (2017, Moscow)
- Simon Wozny, Influence of potential scattering of magnetic impurities on topolocical insulator edge states (2016, Reykjavik), published in Phys. Rev. B 98, 165423 (2018).
- Hannes Weisbrich, Decoherence of entangled states in superconducting qubits (2016).
- Leon Martin, Elektrische Leitfähigkeit von Graphen mit magnetischen Nanoteilchen (2015)
- Florian Magnus Dobler, Optical lattice coupled to an array of atomic quantum dots (2015, London)
- David Fricker, Mesoskopische Supraleitung in Graphen (2015)
- Elias Walter, Tight-binding treatment of mesoscopically structured graphene in a magnetic field (2015, Göteborg)
- Johannes Krotz, Quantum transport in topological insulators-superconductor heterostructures (2015, Reykjavik)
- Robin Kopp, Study of the entanglement dynamics in superconductive qubits (2015)
- Dominik Hangleiter, Quantum radio: emission and detection of density waves in a Bose-Einstein condensate (2013, Oxford)
- Andreas Elben, Electron transport through a quantum point contact (2013, Reykjavik)
- Anna Novelli, Time evolution in the Landay-Zener problem under continuous weak measurement (2013, Tel Aviv), published as New Journal of Physics 17, 013001 (2015). -
- Florian Jetter, Quantum pumping of ultracold fermions between harmonic resevoirs (2012)
- Maximilian Thaller, Zählstatistik von Markov Prozessen angewandt auf die Kinetik molekularer Motoren (2012), published as New Journal of Physics 16, 033030 (2014)
- Anselm Klenner, Modelle für nicht-markovsche Quantenmessungen (2012)
- Martin Faigle, Kohärente laterale Streuung an einem Ein-Atom-Quantenpunktkontakt (2012)
- Simon Ragg, Tailor-made spin chains for perfect state transfer - the inverse eigenvalue problem (2011), published as Phys. Rev. A 85, 022312 (2012)
- David Öttinger, Weak-coupling polarons in Bose-Fermi Mixtures Confined to Optical Lattices (2011)
- Tobias Lohse, Effects of self-inductance in superconducting charge Qubits (2011, Evanston IL)
- Reinhard Birmuske, Boson-induced Correlation of Two Pseudospins (2010), published as Phys. Rev. A 88, 042302 (2013)
- Johannes Bülte, Electron-phonon coupling in molecular transistors (2010)