Join the Quantum Transport group
We invite motivated postdoctoral researchers to join our group, focusing on research in advanced quantum transport, superconducting nanostructures, and the study of nonequilibrium effects in interacting systems. Contracts are available for a minimum of two years, with flexibility for extension based on mutual agreement. If you are passionate about these research areas and eager to contribute to our team, please submit your application, including a letter of motivation, a comprehensive CV detailing your publication history, references, etc., to Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Belzig. Additionally, outstanding candidates are encouraged to explore funding opportunities such as the Humboldt and Marie Curie programs.
We are looking for motivated PhD candidates to join our research team in the fields of mesoscopic superconductivity, topological phases, quantum dissipation, low-dimensional materials, and quantum noise in electric circuits. If you are interested in pursuing a PhD and have a strong background in these areas, please apply by email, attaching your CV, to Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Belzig.
Bachelor/Master Thesis
To explore the option of undertaking a Bachelor's or Master's thesis with us, feel free to reach out via email or visit us at P10. Further details about our research can be found in our published works.
Semester project (Projektpraktikum)
If you are interested in undertaking a semester project in Theoretical Condensed Matter Physics, please don't hesitate to reach out to us. A semester project can serve as a substitute for one of the advanced lab courses (Fortgeschrittenepraktikum) in the Master's program.